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Finally, there is also another refugee program not subject to the annual caps, the Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) program, which has continued to grow under the Trump administration. It seems like the only purpose of our military remaining in Afghanistan is to bring in families of those who supposedly helped us in the dubious mission, which runs completely counter to the entire purpose of the War on Terror and the impetus for nove/11 (protecting America from dangerous immigrants).

If your family visit visa for KSA is approved, you need to send the application number to the relative in your home country. It is better to contact some agent in this regard. He will charge you a little amount but your work will be eased out in your home country.

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Now attach all the documents mentioned above with the family visit visa application which you printed from the MOFA website and submit it to the nearest office of the MOFA. You should go to MOFA office at around 11 am. This is the time when the MOFA office will be least crowded.

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  Please note that under U.S. law a machine readable passport is NOT required for visa issuing purposes. So long as an applicant presents a valid passport, a visa can be placed in it.

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